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關於malaga spain的評價, 帶我去旅行

這座位於懸崖上的古老山城-龍達,有壯觀的橋樑,有密集的建築,還有可以好好放鬆的愉悅心情!是旅行西班牙必訪的景點唷~ #PuenteNuevoRonda, #Ronda, #Malaga, #Anda...

原本今天要播出第一集自製節目,因為出了些問題,改為下週三中午十二點,造成不便,深感抱歉! 音樂與咖啡時間 每週三(二十四日)中午十二點首播 暢談古典音樂世界 主題:樂聖貝多芬 主講人:梶間聡夫 Fusao Kajima 音樂家資訊 姓名: 梶間聡夫 Fusao Kajima 經歷: 梶間聡夫 | 指揮 芝加哥論壇報曾經如此讚揚梶間聡夫先生:「梶間觸動了觀眾的心智和靈魂。」身為指揮家,梶間聡夫以忠於藝術和提供創新節目的領導力,獲得了極具重要性的讚賞。 而今梶間聡夫的聲譽和經驗遍及全球,包括歐洲,亞洲和美國:聖彼得堡交響樂團(the symphony orchestras of St. Petersburg)、俄羅斯聖彼得州交響樂團(St. Petersburg State)、加拿大溫哥華島交響樂團(Vancouver Island)、日本新星日本交響樂團(Shinsei Nihon)、國立臺灣交響樂團(National Taiwan)、新北市交響樂團(Taipei Metropolitan)、義大利Pescara交響樂團(Pescara)、西班牙Malaga交響樂團(Malaga)、美國阿肯色交響樂團(Arkansas)、塞爾維亞Belgrade管弦交響樂團(Belgrade Philharmonic)、德國羅伯舒曼交響樂團(Robert Schumann Philharmonie, Nordost Deutsche Philharmonie)、西班牙馬德里交響樂團(Madrid Philharmonic)、義大利特倫托交響樂團(the Academic Philharmonic of Trento)、愛沙尼亞David Oistrakh音樂節交響樂團(David Oistrakh Music Festival Orchestra)、印度孟買室內交響樂團(David Oistrakh)。 梶間聡夫在安東尼奧比特洛堤國際指揮比賽(Antonio Pedrotti)、大師級演奏者(Masterplayers),以及奧地利廣播公司年輕指揮家大賽(Austrian Broadcasting Corporation Young Conductors’s Prize Competition)等最知名的世界國際指揮大賽中曾獲得了極高殊榮。 梶間聡夫目前擔任國立台北藝術大學的交響樂團指揮,以往也曾擔任美國華盛頓州Bellevue愛樂管弦樂團、美國科羅拉多州Fort Collins交響樂團、美國伊利諾州Fox Valley交響樂團、美國密西根州Papagena歌劇院(the Papagena Opera Company)的音樂總監,國立臺灣交響樂團指揮,美國密西根州the Greater Lansing交響樂團(the Greater Lansing Symphony Orchestra)、德國Freiburger歌劇院(Freiburger Theater, Staatstheater Darmstadt),以及美國密西根中部的歌劇院(the Opera Company)的助理指揮。此外,他也曾在北伊利諾大學及喬治亞州大學任教。 梶間聡夫在日本出生,四歲時開始學習鋼琴,十四歲時開始學習音樂指揮課程。他畢業於新英格蘭音樂學院和密西根大學,曾與哥斯塔夫梅爾(Gustav Meier)、馬丁卡茲( Martin Katz)、維若妮卡喬舒姆( Veronica Jochum),以及路易斯克雷斯納(Louis Krasner)等老師學習鋼琴與指揮。他曾就讀於坦格伍德(Tanglewood),與雷納德伯恩斯坦(Leonard Bernstein)、小澤征爾(Seiji Ozawa),以及李奧納多斯萊金(Leonard Slatkin)等作曲及指揮家學習,也曾在基齊-薩拉齊尼宮(Chigiana)與格納迪.羅許德茲特溫斯基(Gennady Rodhestvensky),以及在愛沙尼亞與奈米加如(Neeme Jarvi)和喬瑪潘紐拉(Jorma Panula)等著名指揮家學習。 Fusao Kajima | Conductor “(Kajima) touches the minds and hearts of audiences,” once the Chicago Tribune hailed him. A conductor, Fusao Kajima has been winning critical acclaim for his leadership in both artistic commitment and innovative program offerings. Maestro Kajima’s prestige and experience now span the globe. He has conducted throughout Europe, Asia, and the United States, including the symphony orchestras of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State in Russia, Vancouver Island in Canada, Shinsei Nihon in Japan, National Taiwan and Taipei Metropolitan, Pescara in Italy, Malaga in Spain, Arkansas in the United States, and orchestras of Belgrade Philharmonic in Serbia, Robert Schumann Philharmonie, Nordost Deutsche Philharmonie in Germany, Madrid Philharmonic in Spain, the Academic Philharmonic of Trento, Italy, David Oistrakh Music Festival Orchestra in Estonia, the Bombay Chamber in India. His future guest engagements include, Evergreen Symphony Orchestra in Taipei, Gran Teatre del Liceu Academy Orchestra. Maestro Kajima has received high honors at some of the most prestigious international conducting competitions in the world, including “Antonio Pedrotti,” “Masterplayers,” and Austrian Broadcasting Corporation Young Conductors’s Prize Competition. Currently he is the Director of Orchestra at Taipei National University of the Arts. Previously, he has held positions of Music Director of Bellevue Philharmonic (WA), Fort Collins Symphony Orchestra (CO), Fox Valley Symphony Orchestra (IL), the Papagena Opera Company (MI), Permanent Conductor of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Assistant Conductor of the Greater Lansing Symphony Orchestra (MI), Freiburger Theater, Staatstheater Darmstadt (Germany), and the Opera Company of Mid-­‐Michigan. He has held academic position with Northern Illinois University and Georgia State University. A native of Japan, Fusao Kajima began his piano studies at age four and his conducting studies at fourteen. An alumnus of the New England Conservatory and the University of Michigan, his teachers include Gustav Meier, Martin Katz, Veronica Jochum, and Louis Krasner. Kajima has studied at Tanglewood with Leonard Bernstein, Seiji Ozawa, and Leonard Slatkin, at Chigiana with Gennady Rodhestvensky, and also in Estonia with Neeme Jarvi and Jorma Panula.

原本今天要播出第一集自製節目,因為出了些問題,改為下週三中午十二點,造成不便,深感抱歉! 音樂與咖...